Week 1 January24
These readings were sent out with the syllabus. Also there are instructions for an assignment "Two Versions of the Same Thing" on page 2 of the syllabus.
Do You Speak American? First link--others are found in sidebar https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NOTzkejL7ks
The following is an entire book. Please just read chapter on Language Attitudes in the Americas (starting on p 26)
Week 2 January 31 ***Room changed to LIB 204***
Two Languages:
For the Gee text, please read CH 1-3
Week 3 February 7
The excerpt from Anzaldua's Borderlands/La Frontera is not required reading, but you might take a look at it if you have time. She writes in English and Spanish, and students reactions to reading it are quite varied.
Week 4 February 14
Thought this might be of interest:www.wbur.org/edify/2017/08/09/english-language-learning-bills
https://www.wbur.org/edify/2017/08/09/english-language-learning-bills Week 5 February 21
Week 6 February 28
Week 7 March 7
The following are not required, but you may find them interesting if you have extra time:
Week 8 March 14~Spring Break
Week 9 March 21
So, I made a change and combined the readings for the 21st and 28th (see below on the 28th). I am trying to arrange for some Native language speakers to come to class.
Wampanoag Language Project http://wlrp.org/
Week 10 March 28
I found out a few days ago that I have been invited to a reception for Red Cloud Indian School this evening. Because of my role as the faculty associate for our partnership, I need to be at this reception. Therefore we will not have class tonight. Thank you for your understanding.
Week 11 April 4
Additional Materials
This one was just published in The Atlantic https://www.theatlantic.com/magazine/archive/2018/04/the-code-switcher/554099/ ![]()
Week 12 April 11
Week 12 April 18
Week 13 April 25
Per our discussion on 4/18, I added the Ally's Guide to Terminology under the April 18 readings. Below are the Socialization and Privilege pieces I said I would post for you. These are from the text _Readings for Diversity and Social Justice_ and are not required readings for this week, but rather for your own continued work in social justice:
April 29 STARs Symposium
Week 14 May 2
Presentations and Potluck
Some links:
http://www.konbini.com/ng/inspiration/beautiful-animations-celebrate-indigenous-languages-mexico/ http://68voces.mx/projects68voces.mx/projects http://mentalfloss.com/article/51741/grammar-rules-behind-3-commonly-disparaged-dialects?fbclid=IwAR2iWII1nlUd-ON3r5RN5MmlysSZfiHoQRe2L3BCEYvEvivxBtM7t7borTY ![]()