ZOOM LINK: https://bridgew.zoom.us/j/93594584982?pwd=K3V6UFVzU2UyVEluMjBlM3Q5Mm1tUT09
Office Hours for students: :Click button for syllabus
Ted Talk for September 10
Where are you local? Taiye Selasi Reading for September 14
For September 14: Between now and next Tuesday, take a walk around your neighborhood, your yard, a park--where ever you are able to and carefully observe. What do you see? What makes you curious (an old tree, an old building, a sign or monument, etc.)? As you walk, or immediately after, write down your observations to share in class.
Don't forget to order your book for Book Club! BOOK CLUBS AND WRITING FELLOW APPOINTMENTS START TODAY September 16
Here is BSU's IN Focus which discusses IPD:
https://btvaccess.viebit.com/player.php?hash=mqIrhGeXgQB3 |
For Thursday,
We are going to discuss how to read a scholarly article (below). Please read "Constructing Rhetorical Borders" and take some notes. Be prepared to discuss the article.
BOOK CLUB PRESENTATIONS (in class on December 8)